SharePoint Documents
  • 17 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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SharePoint Documents

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Article summary


The SharePoint Report Provider can be used to store files and folders in SharePoint and to use these files for developing and executing report distribution jobs. The SharePoint Report Provider provides access to all SharePoint Sites and Teams Document storage that are available to the Microsoft 365 authenticated user. ReportWORQ uses the common Azure App Registration Configuration and the token acquired from authentication to access available SharePoint Sites and Teams File Document Storage. Once configured, SharePoint documents are accessible through the Report Selection dialog. Please note that document visibility is based on the App Registration's authenticated user and access permissions will need to be set appropriately.


ReportWORQ Administrators can set up a Report Provider that connects to SharePoint Document Storage.

Before you begin, create an Azure App Registration that shares the same Tenant as the SharePoint instance. Make note of the Tenant Id, Client Id, and the authentication Secret. You will require this information when configuring a SharePoint Report Provider.

To add and configure a SharePoint Report Provider:

  1. In the ReportWORQ Administration interface, select the add icon beside the Report Providers heading.
    The New Report Provider pane appears:

  2. Select the Microsoft SharePoint button.

    The Report Provider configuration interface appears:

  3. In the Report Provider Settings area, enter a Report Provider Name.
    This name is visible to ReportWORQ users when they select source reports for Distribution Jobs and Contribution Campaigns. The name of each Report Provider must be unique.

  4. If you want to grant access to only specific folders within SharePoint, do the following:

    1. In the SharePoint Site Access Settings area, select Set available SharePoint sites explicitly.

    2. In the Additional Sites box, provide a URL for each SharePoint folder you want this Report Provider to access. Each folder URL must be on a separate line. For example,

  5. In the Report Provider Settings area, select the Edit Azure App Registration link.
    The Azure App Registration interface appears.

  6. In the Provider Settings area, enter the Tenant Id, Client Id, and authentication Secret, which you noted when you created the Azure App Registration.

  7. At the top of the Graph API area, select Authenticate.

  8. After authentication, confirm that the SharePoint Report Provider item under the Graph API section shows as Configured.

  9. At the top of the Azure App Registration interface, select the Save icon.

  10. In the list on the left side of the browser window, select your SharePoint Report Provider to return to the Report Provider configuration interface.

  11. To confirm that the Report Provider settings are properly configured, select Test Connection.
    If the test fails, edit the settings as required, and then test again.

  12. In the Report Provider Settings area, select the Enable report provider checkbox.

  13. Select the Save icon to save and apply the settings.

Using SharePoint Document Storage

To access existing files or to add new files to SharePoint storage, navigate to the Edit Jobs screen and select 'Add a Report' and then expand the SharePoint item. Typically, several sites will be available for file management. To upload files, click the 'Upload Files...' button on a site or folder name. From this screen, users can upload, rename, or delete SharePoint files. Please note that this feature allows a user to directly modify existing files and folders in SharePoint. A rename or delete will modify the existing item in SharePoint for all users.

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