  • 06 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The ReportWORQ add-in for Excel enables users to author reports for Distribution Jobs, or to easily create input ranges, data validations, and other features in Contribution templates.

Installing the ReportWORQ Add-in for Excel

Microsoft Excel does not include the ReportWORQ add-in by default. It must be installed on your computer. After the add-in has been installed, the Excel ribbon includes the ReportWORQ tab.

Note: For users of Excel 2016, and for Office 365 users who do not have permissions to install Excel add-ins, the add-in must be deployed by a Microsoft Administrator. For more information, see the Technical Article, Deploying the ReportWORQ Add-in for Excel.

The following are required in order to install and use the ReportWORQ add-in:

  • Internet access

  • A ReportWORQ user account

  • Microsoft Excel installed on your computer

To manually install the ReportWORQ add-in for Excel:

  1. On the Home tab, select Add-ins.
    A list of add-ins appears.

  2. In the Search box, type ReportWORQ.

  3. The ReportWORQ add-in appears on the list.

  4. Select the ReportWORQ add-in to review information about it, and then select Add.

  5. When prompted about License terms and Privacy policy, select Continue.
    The New Office Add-in task pane appears.

  6. Select Allow and Continue.
    If you are not logged in to ReportWORQ, the login prompt appears.

  7. If the login prompt appears, do the following:

    1. If ReportWORQ uses a port number other than 8300, or is installed on a different computer, provide the correct Web URL for accessing ReportWORQ.

    2. Select Login, provide your User Name and Password as prompted, and then select Login.
      The add-in is installed, and the ReportWORQ task pane appears.

Tip: Icons along the top of the task pane correspond to menu items. To return to the menu view of the task pane, select the ReportWORQ icon .

To launch the add-in:

  • Select the ReportWORQ tab, and then select the ReportWORQ command button.

    The ReportWORQ task pane appears.

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