  • 17 Feb 2025
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Article summary


ReportWORQ administrators can open the Administration screen from the Administration button on the top right side of the page and edit Configuration settings.

The following settings control the configuration of ReportWORQ application components:

Warning: Changes made here may impact active ReportWORQ users

Changing any of the settings documented here may have an impact on the ReportWORQ application, in some cases triggering restarts and other changes to application settings that may cancel existing job executions or other user operations. Please coordinate any configuration changes during a period that will not impact your users.

  • Restart ReportWORQ Service: This will trigger a restart of the ReportWORQ application, which typically takes a matter of seconds. Users will need to refresh their browser to reconnect to the application after the restart.

Configuring the Web Server

ReportWORQ is a web application that runs within the host service that was created during initial installation and first-time configuration. The repository where all ReportWORQ application data is stored, and all web server settings are saved, is defined here on the Application Settings screen:

Repository Location

The ReportWORQ repository is where all ReportWORQ application data including Jobs, Data Source Connections, and Distributor Configuration settings are stored. Temporary working files generated during job execution and Job history, are also managed within the repository.  

The Repository Path defines the root location of the ReportWORQ repository. ReportWORQ's default location for this setting is in a "Repository" subfolder where the application is installed. This setting can be changed at any time, but note that it will impact all application users. Changing this location requires a restart of the ReportWORQ application for the updated setting to take effect.

Moving the Repository

To move the repository you must perform the following steps:

  1. Back up the current repository.
    Tip: The initial default location of the repository is <install_location>\Repository, typically C:\Program Files\ReportWORQ\Repository.

  2. Change the Repository Path.

  3. Restart the ReportWORQ application.

  4. Restore the repository backup that was created in step 1.

Please see Backup & Support for more details on steps 1 and 4.

Core Web Configuration

The Server Port and SSL Settings define the core web application security settings as well as how the ReportWORQ application will be accessed by users:

  • Server Port: This is the port number that ReportWORQ users will use to access both the web application and APIs.

  • Enable SSL: This determines whether ReportWORQ traffic is configured to use SSL encryption protocal.

    • Certificate File and Certificate Password are required when Enable SSL is checked and define the certificate that ReportWORQ will use for SSL communication.

    • Create Self Signed Certificate may optionally be used to create an SSL certificate.

Note: SSL encryption is required in order to use the ReportWORQ Add-in for Excel.

Changing any of these settings requires a restart of the ReportWORQ application for the settings to take effect.

Using ReportWORQ-Generated SSL Certificates

Use of ReportWORQ-generated SSL certificates may result in warnings about untrusted certificates when using web browsers that access ReportWORQ. This is because ReportWORQ-generated certificates don't come from a CA (Certificate Authority) or other trusted sources. It is therefore strongly recommended that you only use SSL certificates from a CA or other trusted certificate source when enabling SSL in a production environment.

Determining the ReportWORQ URL Address

The ReportWORQ URL that users use to access the application is determined by the settings above and takes this format:

{HTTP or HTTPS}://{Address of ReportWORQ Host Machine}:{Port}


  • HTTP or HTTPS: HTTPS is used when Enable SSL is checked. Otherwise, HTTP is used.

  • Address of ReportWORQ Host Machine

    • The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the host server, if configured, for example,

    • The machine name of the host server, for example, reportworq-prd1

    • The IP address of the host server, for example,

  • Port: The Server Port setting value.


  • Machine name, no SSL-enabled, running on port 8300: http://reportworq-prd1:8300 

  • Fully-qualified domain with SSL enabled, running on port 8300: 

Advanced SSL/TLS Configuration

When SSL is enabled in ReportWORQ, there are advanced SSL configuration options that some customers may wish to modify such as supported TLS versions and cipher suites, to ensure that any SSL/TLS communications aren't at risk of known SSL/TLS vulnerabilities. SSL/TLS support typically has two overall components that impact ReportWORQ: 

  • SSL/TLS Client settings: connections from ReportWORQ to other data sources. 

  • SSL/TLS Server settings: connections to the ReportWORQ web application and APIs from ReportWORQ users.

ReportWORQ is designed to inherit all of its advanced SSL/TLS settings from the operating system configuration. Making changes to these settings varies by operating system version and local policies, so please consult with your network/IT security teams if you believe advanced SSL/TLS configuration is required. Once any of those setting changes are applied, ReportWORQ will automatically use them after an application restart.

Automatic Server Recycling

Some ReportWORQ administrators like to have the application automatically restart during overnight hours to free up system resources and reset all connections. The following settings can be used to configure this option:

  • Recycle Mode: Checking this box will enable a daily restart of the ReportWORQ application.

  • Recycle Time: This is the time (in the host server's local time) that the application will be recycled when Recycle Mode is enabled.

Automatic Server Recycling Stops Any Running Jobs

Be sure to schedule automatic recycling at a time you know that no scheduled ReportWORQ jobs will also be running. All jobs running at the time the server is recycled will be canceled as a result of the restart.

Backup and Support

Backup settings for the ReportWORQ Repository and for creating a Repository Report are located in the Configuration section of the Administration interface:

  • Enable Daily Backup: If selected, the ReportWORQ Repository is backed up every day.

  • Backup Retention: Sets how long backup files are kept before being deleted.

  • Create Backup: Select this icon to automatically generate and download a zip backup of the ReportWORQ repository. Backups can be restored to any ReportWORQ 5 instance.

  • Send Backup to Support: Select this icon to automatically generate and automatically send a zip file of backup files to the ReportWORQ Support team.

  • Create Repository Report: Select this icon to automatically generate and download a Repository Report spreadsheet (.xlsx file). For more information, see Repository Reports, below.

Repository Report

The Repository Report contains comprehensive information about configuration settings and values for all Distribution reports in ReportWORQ. This report enables you to quickly find detailed information about almost every aspect of your reports. The Repository Report is generated as a spreadsheet (.xlsx file) consisting of multiple worksheets, each containing report-related information from a different perspective.

Data rows in the report can be sorted based on any column, and you can omit irrelevant data by applying filters to one or more columns. Some columns may not be present, depending on the properties of your ReportWORQ Jobs.

Repository Report worksheets are as follows:

  • Jobs: Lists all ReportWORQ Distribution Jobs and their properties such as the Job name, path, and type; schedule details; output format settings; and distribution methods.

  • Reports: Lists all Reports and their properties such as the report name, Job name, and path; source report provider, file name, and path; report worksheets; and parameter names.

  • Report Parameters: Lists all report parameters and their properties such as report name, Job name and path; worksheet name; and parameter name and location. Report parameters provide values to corresponding cells in source worksheets, thus changing data filters that drive the dynamic loading of data (e.g. changing a period or business unit).

  • Parameters: Lists all other parameters and their properties such as Job name and path; parameter name, type, and value; whether the parameter allows for bursting; and whether the Job generates one worksheet per parameter item or one report per parameter item.

  • Static Burst Sets: Lists all burst sets and their properties such as Job name and path; contact name and Id; and burst parameter name, type, and value.

  • Schedules: Lists all scheduled Jobs and their schedule-related properties such as Job name and path; schedule name, Id, frequency, and description; notification email addresses; and last run time.

  • Contacts: Lists all contacts from the Address Book and their properties such as name, Id, and tags; Contribution user status and Contribution email address; and report output locations and email addresses.
    Note: The Contacts worksheet does not necessarily list everyone who receives reports, because reports can also be sent to email addresses based on calculations or metadata lookups.

The following tables list the data items presented on each worksheet of the Repository Report.

Jobs Worksheet

Job Name

Job Path

Job Type

Is Scheduled

Scheduled Count

Schedule Names

Last Modified

Date Created


Output Type

PowerPoint file Path

Enable Job Contact Mapping

Job Contact Mapping Field

Job Contact Mapping Value

Excel Split Worksheets

Excel Remove Formulas

Job Sort Manual Collation

PDF Add Page Numbers

PDF Add Cover Page

PDF Low Quality

CSV Separator

PowerPoint PDF Output

PowerPoint Low Quality PDF

PowerPoint Sort Slides in Worksheet Order

PowerPoint Maintain Aspect Ratio

Additional File Name Paths

File Distribution to zip

File Distribution to zip Exclusion

Distribution type

Distributor Type








Google Drive.EmailTo

Google Drive.FolderPath

Network Folder.OutputFilePath






Reports Worksheet

Job Name

Job Path

Report Name

Report Source Provider

File Name

File Path

Worksheet CodeName

Worksheet Name

Parameter Names

Sheet Name Type

Sheet Name Value

Parent Bookmark Name Type

Parent Bookmark Name Value

Tab Color type

Tab Color Value

Suppression Type

Suppression Value

Output Order Type

Output Order Value

Exception Type

Exception Value

Report Parameters Worksheet

Job Name

Job Path

Report Name

Report File Name

Worksheet Name

Parameter Name

Parameter Location

Parameters Worksheet

Job Name

Job Path

Parameter Name

Parameter Type

Parameter Value

Allow for Bursting

Cycle Mode

Static Burst Sets Worksheet

Job Name

Job Path

Contact Id

Contact Name

Parameter Name

Parameter Type

Parameter Value

Schedules Worksheet

Job Name

Job Path

Schedule Name


Is Enabled


Notification Failure Only



Frequency Advanced Mode

Hold For Delivery

Last Actual Run Time

Last Run Time

Filter Mode

Filter Days

Run Now Flag

Contacts Worksheet






D_Google Drive_EmailTo

D_Google Drive_DriveId

D_Google Drive_FolderPath

D_Network Folder_FileLocation






Additional settings used to enable advanced logging and provide more information to the ReportWORQ support team can be found on the Configuration screen of the Administration view.

Restart will cancel all running Jobs

Be sure to check for any currently running jobs and notify users before restarting the application.

Enable Debug Logging: This enables more detailed logging information and is typically enabled when the ReportWORQ support team needs additional information about Job execution or other ReportWORQ application events.

Disable Debug Logging when not needed

Debug logging creates many, large log files. Leaving it on too long could quickly use up available disk space.

Audit Logging

The Audit Logging setting can be found in the Logging section on the Configuration screen of the Administration page. By default Audit Logging is enabled and ReportWORQ retains this data for 90 days. For more details on the Audit log please refer to our Audit Log page.


ReportWORQ has options designed to manage the overall application and server performance, and retention of Job execution history when running ReportWORQ jobs. These settings are located in the Execution section.

  • Enable Out of Process Job Execution: This setting under "Execution Mode" is used to determine whether Job execution happens in a separate process or within the same process that is used to support the ReportWORQ web application. This setting should always be enabled unless you are asked to disable it for support purposes. Enabling this setting ensures that ReportWORQ application users aren't impacted by Job execution and that memory & related resources are freed up following Job execution. 

  • Compress History Files: This option can be enabled/disabled here.

  • History Retention: This setting determines how much Job execution history is preserved. History older than the specified number of days is automatically purged from the ReportWORQ repository.

  • Parallel Job Execution: This setting determines both the number of Jobs that can be executed at the same time as well as the number of operations (threads) used for each Job. Each Job is executed in its own, separate process when the "Enable Out of Process Job Execution" setting is enabled. Examples describing the impact of this setting on RAM and CPU usage are provided below.

Selecting the optimal Parallel Job Execution depends on the available host server CPU and Memory resources. Some examples of CPU and Memory usage are described here, using Parallel Job Execution = 5 as an example:

  • CPU Usage: in this example, ReportWORQ will allow 5 Jobs to run at the same time AND also allow up to 5 threads within each Job to run concurrently. In this example, this means that up to 25 threads could be consumed at one time.

  • Memory Usage: some ReportWORQ Jobs consisting of very large reports may require significant RAM usage during Job execution. If, for example, your jobs typically use 2GB of RAM at their peak and you are running 5 of these jobs at the same time then you may see at least 10GB of RAM consumed, overall, during the execution of all 5 jobs.

It is important to strike a balance that allows ReportWORQ to take advantage of parallel Job processing without overwhelming available hardware resources. If Parallel Job Execution is currently set to a number that may result in CPU and RAM being over or underutilized when the maximum number of Jobs are running in parallel then it may be helpful to adjust this setting accordingly.

  • Notification Email: Configure an email address for notifications here. 

  • Send notification on failures only: This option can be set to alert the email address configured above to any failures specifically.

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